Professional voice

The voice of a singer, actor, teacher, fitness teacher, or other professional voice user is a vital instrument of your image and livelihood. Your voice should be as flexible, powerful, and persuasive as possible to achieve the vocal expression of your choice to meet the demands of your art or profession. It is extremely important to take special care of your voice, particularly when your vocal load is high or when your vocal performance is compromised.

I am an expert in addressing vocal needs behaviorally, whether you are experiencing problems with your voice or wanting to prevent vocal problems by developing healthy vocal techniques and habits.

With a perceptual-acoustic voice evaluation, I consider your vocal patterns and professional needs. You may also need a videostroboscopy exam to visualize the larynx in order to rule out any anatomic or physiologic problem. I tailor your therapy program in conjunction with any medicine, surgery, training, or coaching that you may be receiving. I also help you adjust your vocal load when possible, including workload, rehearsal, warm-up, and rehab exercise schedules.


Quick tips

Working on your conversational speaking voice can help your performance voice. Think about your speaking style and vocal habits when not performing.

If you are having voice problems, consider whether your amount of talking and performing may be a factor and/or your type of talking and performing. Overall health, diet, and lifestyle also can be factors.

If you are a singer, answer questions on the Singing Voice Handicap Index to see if your vocal difficulties may require intervention.