"What does a woman sound like? Vocal training helps trans women find their voices" • New York Speech & Voice Lab in the press

My client Lillian Primrose was featured in this news story in the Guardian on May 20, 2019:


It describes Lillian’s frustrations and progress with her voice as well as the nature of my voice work with Lillian and other transfeminine speakers. Thank you to Serena Daniari for her sensitive reporting. I especially liked how she emphasized that there is actually no one way to sound like a woman. There are many variations that exist in the world. Check out the audio clips that demonstrate Lillian’s voice changes. Congratulations to her on a lot of hard work that has paid off!

"Vocal therapy helps some transgender people find their voice" • New York Speech & Voice Lab in the press

Here is a radio news story that was broadcast about my client Alice Gorelick on The Pulse on National Public Radio, as part of the WHYY's series Our Bodies, Our Gender September 7-8, 2017:


A big thanks goes out to Paige Pfleger for her sensitive reporting and a big congratulations to Alice on her progress with her voice. Way to go, Alice!

"How voice therapists are helping trans people sound like their true selves" • New York Speech & Voice Lab in the press

Here is an online news story featuring my client, Rebecca Oppenheimer, and her work with me on your voice, posted on Fusion.net today (8/17/16):


Many thanks to Nidhi Prakash for a sensitive and nuanced story, and kudos to my client, Rebecca Oppenheimer, for her success in voice and in life! Thanks also to Laura Jacobs LCSW, for recognizing the importance of voice in transgender health.